Source code for aiida_fireworks_scheduler.fworker

Class for specialised worker for running AiiDA jobs
include multiprocessing (mpinp) and walltime limit in the query

import json
import six

from fireworks.core.fworker import FWorker
from fireworks.utilities.fw_serializers import recursive_serialize, \
    recursive_deserialize, DATETIME_HANDLER

from aiida_fireworks_scheduler.awareness import SchedulerAwareness

from aiida_fireworks_scheduler.common import DEFAULT_USERNAME, RESERVED_CATEGORY

[docs]class AiiDAFWorker(FWorker): """ Specialised worker for running AiiDA related jobs """ SECONDS_SAFE_INTERVAL = 60
[docs] def __init__(self, computer_id, mpinp, *args, username=DEFAULT_USERNAME, **kwargs): """ Instantiate a AiiDAFWorker object. The worker selects the jobs to run using the criteria defined in the constructor :param computer_id: Hostname of the computer :param username: User name for the computer :param mpinp: the number of MPI processes to be launched. this constraint will be ignored if is is set to -1 or 0. The rest of the arguments will be passed to the FWorker. """ self.computer_id = computer_id self.username = username self.sch_aware = SchedulerAwareness.get_awareness() self.mpinp = mpinp super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
@property def query(self): """Query used for selecting fireworks""" # This is the usual conventional stuff query_ = dict(self._query) fworker_check = [{ "spec._fworker": { "$exists": False } }, { "spec._fworker": None }, { "spec._fworker": }] if '$or' in query_: query_['$and'] = query_.get('$and', []) query_['$and'].extend([{ '$or': query_.pop('$or') }, { '$or': fworker_check }]) else: query_['$or'] = fworker_check if self.category and isinstance(self.category, six.string_types): if self.category == "__none__": query_['spec._category'] = {"$exists": False} else: query_['spec._category'] = {"$eq": self.category} elif self.category: # category is list of str query_['spec._category'] = {"$in": self.category} else: # Need it to be a dictionary query_['spec._category'] = {} # Do not match any AIIDA_RESERVED_CATEGORY jobs - those jobs should be matched by # specific conditions as defined below query_['spec._category']['$ne'] = RESERVED_CATEGORY # Either not having a walltime limit or have a one that is less than the # current limit walltime_condition = { '$or': [{ 'spec._walltime_seconds': { '$exists': False } }, { 'spec._walltime_seconds': { '$lt': self.seconds_left - self.SECONDS_SAFE_INTERVAL } }] } # Combined query for the standard fireworks jobs query_fw = {'$and': [query_, walltime_condition]} # AiiDA related queries query_aiida = { 'spec._aiida_job_info.computer_id': self.computer_id, 'spec._aiida_job_info.username': self.username, 'spec._aiida_job_info.walltime': { '$lt': self.seconds_left - self.SECONDS_SAFE_INTERVAL } } if self.mpinp > 0: query_aiida['spec._aiida_job_info.mpinp'] = self.mpinp # Need to satisfy either of the two sub queries return {'$or': [query_aiida, query_fw]} @property def seconds_left(self): """ How long this job is going to be alive. """ return self.sch_aware.get_remaining_seconds() @recursive_serialize def to_dict(self): return { 'name':, 'category': self.category, 'query': json.dumps(self._query, default=DATETIME_HANDLER), 'env': self.env, 'computer_id': self.computer_id, 'username': self.username, 'mpinp': self.mpinp, } @classmethod @recursive_deserialize def from_dict(cls, m_dict): return AiiDAFWorker(computer_id=m_dict['computer_id'], username=m_dict.get('username', DEFAULT_USERNAME), mpinp=m_dict['mpinp'], name=m_dict['name'], category=m_dict['category'], query=json.loads(m_dict['query']), env=m_dict.get("env"))