Source code for aiida_fireworks_scheduler.fwscheduler

Specialised scheduler to interface with Fireworks

from datetime import datetime
import os

from fireworks.core.launchpad import LaunchPad
from fireworks.fw_config import LAUNCHPAD_LOC

import aiida.schedulers
from aiida.common.exceptions import FeatureNotAvailable
from aiida.common.folders import SandboxFolder
from aiida.common.extendeddicts import AttributeDict
from aiida.common.escaping import escape_for_bash
from aiida.schedulers import Scheduler
from aiida.schedulers import SchedulerError, SchedulerParsingError
from aiida.schedulers.datastructures import (JobInfo, JobState,

from import AiiDAJobFirework
from aiida_fireworks_scheduler.common import DEFAULT_USERNAME

# pylint: disable=protected-access,too-many-locals

    'WAITING': JobState.QUEUED,
    'READY': JobState.QUEUED,
    'RESERVED': JobState.QUEUED,
    'RUNNING': JobState.RUNNING,
    'COMPLETED': JobState.DONE,
    # Usually FIZZLED is an indication of having some problems,
    # set it to UNDETERMINED to allow further investigations

[docs]class FwJobResource(ParEnvJobResource): """ `JobResource` for the FwScheduler based on `ParEnvJobResource`. The difference is that the default `parallel_env` file default to "mpi" here, and it is OK to have it not set. """
[docs] @classmethod def validate_resources(cls, **kwargs): """Validate the resources against the job resource class of this scheduler. :param kwargs: dictionary of values to define the job resources :return: attribute dictionary with the parsed parameters populated :raises ValueError: if the resources are invalid or incomplete """ resources = AttributeDict() resources.parallel_env = kwargs.pop('parallel_env', 'mpi') try: resources.tot_num_mpiprocs = int(kwargs.pop('tot_num_mpiprocs')) except (KeyError, ValueError): raise ValueError( '`tot_num_mpiprocs` must be specified and must be an integer') if resources.tot_num_mpiprocs < 1: raise ValueError( '`tot_num_mpiprocs` must be greater than or equal to one.') if kwargs: raise ValueError('these parameters were not recognized: {}'.format( ', '.join(list(kwargs.keys())))) return resources
[docs]class FwScheduler(Scheduler): """ Scheduler that interfaces with `fireworks.LaunchPad` """ _logger = aiida.schedulers.Scheduler._logger.getChild('Fw') _features = { 'can_query_by_user': False, # Cannot query by user - only by just list } _job_resource_class = FwJobResource _lpad = None FRESH_ENV = True
[docs] def __init__(self, launchpad=None): super().__init__() # Here store the launchpad in the class attribute so it can be reused.... if launchpad is not None: self.lpad = launchpad # Keep the launchpad FwScheduler._lpad = launchpad else: # Create and save the launchpad if FwScheduler._lpad is None: FwScheduler._lpad = LaunchPad.from_file(LAUNCHPAD_LOC) self.lpad = FwScheduler._lpad
[docs] def get_jobs(self, jobs=None, user=None, as_dict=False): """ Return the list of currently active jobs """ computer_id = self.transport._machine # Host name is used as the identifier lpad = self.lpad query = { "spec._aiida_job_info.computer_id": computer_id, # Limit to this machine # Ignore completed and archived jobs "state": { "$not": { "$in": ["COMPLETED", "ARCHIVED"] } } } # Limit to the specific fw_ids if jobs: # Convert to integer keys jobs = [int(job_id) for job_id in jobs] query['fw_id'] = {'$in': jobs} fw_ids = lpad.get_fw_ids(query) joblist = [] for fid in fw_ids: # Get the information of the fireworks in the dict format # this is more robust than getting Fireworks objects try: fw_dict = lpad.get_fw_dict_by_id(fid) except ValueError: raise SchedulerError(f"No FW found for id: {fid}") spec = fw_dict.get("spec", {}) this_job = JobInfo() this_job.job_id = str(fid) try: this_job.job_state = _MAP_STATUS_FW[fw_dict['state']] except IndexError: this_job.job_state = JobState.UNDETERMINED this_job.title = fw_dict.get('name') # Category or categories are mapped to queue_name attribute category = spec.get('category') if isinstance(category, str): this_job.queue_name = category elif isinstance(category, (tuple, list)): this_job.queue_name = ":".join(category) # The created_on is mapped to the submission time try: this_job.submission_time = datetime.strptime( fw_dict['created_on'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f") except ValueError: pass # NOTE: add information about the dispatch time by looking into the launches joblist.append(this_job) if as_dict: jobdict = {job.job_id: job for job in joblist} if None in jobdict: raise SchedulerError('Found at least one job without jobid') return jobdict return joblist
[docs] def submit_from_script(self, working_directory, submit_script): """Submit the submission script to the scheduler This will create a WorkFlow for the job using the provided script and working directory and submit it to the LaunchPad. :return: return a string with the job ID in a valid format to be used for querying. """ self.transport.chdir(working_directory) with SandboxFolder() as sandbox: self.transport.getfile(submit_script, sandbox.get_abs_path(submit_script)) options = parse_sge_script(sandbox.get_abs_path(submit_script)) # The username only makes sense for SSH transport try: username = self.transport._connect_args['username'] except AttributeError: username = DEFAULT_USERNAME firework = AiiDAJobFirework( computer_id=self.transport._machine, username=username, remote_work_dir=working_directory, job_name=options['job_name'], submit_script_name=submit_script, mpinp=options['mpinp'], walltime=options['walltime'], stderr_fname=options['stderr_fname'], stdout_fname=options['stdout_fname'], priority=options['priority'], fresh_env=self.FRESH_ENV, ) mapping = self.lpad.add_wf(firework) return str(list(mapping.values()) [0]) # This is a string of the FW id assigned to the job
[docs] def kill(self, jobid): """Defuse a job in the LaunchPad Note, for fireworks this only works for queued jobs. Need to think about how to kill running ones.... """ try: fw_dict = self.lpad.get_fw_dict_by_id(int(jobid)) except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.logger.error( f"Cannot find the relevant fireworks.\n Error {error.args}") return False # If the job is running - request to stop the job by putting a AIIDA_STOP file # in the working directory if fw_dict['state'] == 'RUNNING': try: launch_dir = fw_dict['spec']['_aiida_job_info'][ 'remote_work_dir'] stop_file = os.path.join(launch_dir, 'AIIDA_STOP') result = self.transport.exec_command_wait(f'touch {stop_file}') if result[0] == 0: return True self.logger.error( f"Remote command execution failed.\nSTDERR captured: {result[2]}" ) return False except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.logger.error( f"Error placing AIIDA_STOP file.\nError {error}") return False # Otherwise just defuse the job in the launchpad else: try: firework = self.lpad.defuse_fw(int(jobid)) except Exception as error: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.logger.error( f"Error defusing waiting Firework.\nError {error}") return False else: return bool(firework)
[docs] def get_detailed_job_info(self, job_id): """ Getting detailed job information. Does not make sense for this scheduler """ raise FeatureNotAvailable
[docs] def _get_submit_script_header(self, job_tmpl): """ Return the submit script header, using the parameters from the job_tmpl. Args: job_tmpl: an JobTemplate instance with relevant parameters set. Modified and simplied based on that of the SGE scheduler. We need to write the scheduler headers because they will be read in the *upload* step later to submit the job to fireworks' MongoDB server. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-statements,too-many-branches empty_line = '' lines = [] # I keep it here - it may be a feature we can exploit later if job_tmpl.submit_as_hold: # if isinstance(job_tmpl.submit_as_hold, str): lines.append(f'#$ -h {job_tmpl.submit_as_hold}') # leave the name of the job as it is if job_tmpl.job_name: lines.append(f'#$ -N {job_tmpl.job_name}') if job_tmpl.sched_output_path: lines.append(f'#$ -o {job_tmpl.sched_output_path}') if job_tmpl.sched_error_path: lines.append(f'#$ -e {job_tmpl.sched_error_path}') if job_tmpl.priority: # Priority of the job. Format: host-dependent integer. Default: # zero. Range: [-1023, +1024]. Sets job's Priority # attribute to priority. lines.append(f'#$ -p {job_tmpl.priority}') if not job_tmpl.job_resource: raise ValueError( 'Job resources (as the tot_num_mpiprocs) are required for the SGE scheduler plugin' ) # Setting up the parallel environment lines.append( f'#$ -pe {str(job_tmpl.job_resource.parallel_env)} {int(job_tmpl.job_resource.tot_num_mpiprocs)}' ) if job_tmpl.max_wallclock_seconds is not None: try: tot_secs = int(job_tmpl.max_wallclock_seconds) if tot_secs <= 0: raise ValueError except ValueError: raise ValueError( 'max_wallclock_seconds must be ' "a positive integer (in seconds)! It is instead '{}'" ''.format((job_tmpl.max_wallclock_seconds))) hours = tot_secs // 3600 tot_minutes = tot_secs % 3600 minutes = tot_minutes // 60 seconds = tot_minutes % 60 lines.append(f'#$ -l h_rt={hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{seconds:02d}') if job_tmpl.custom_scheduler_commands: lines.append(job_tmpl.custom_scheduler_commands) # TAKEN FROM PBSPRO: # Job environment variables are to be set on one single line. # This is a tough job due to the escaping of commas, etc. # moreover, I am having issues making it work. # Therefore, I assume that this is bash and export variables by # and. if job_tmpl.job_environment: lines.append(empty_line) lines.append('# ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES BEGIN ###') if not isinstance(job_tmpl.job_environment, dict): raise ValueError( 'If you provide job_environment, it must be a dictionary') for key, value in job_tmpl.job_environment.items(): lines.append(f'export {key.strip()}={escape_for_bash(value)}') lines.append('# ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES END ###') lines.append(empty_line) return '\n'.join(lines)
# Methods need for transport-based interfaes - not used here
[docs] def _get_submit_command(self, submit_script): raise FeatureNotAvailable
[docs] def _parse_submit_output(self, retval, stdout, stderr): raise FeatureNotAvailable
[docs] def _get_kill_command(self, jobid): raise FeatureNotAvailable
[docs] def _parse_kill_output(self, retval, stdout, stderr): raise FeatureNotAvailable
[docs] def _parse_joblist_output(self, retval, stdout, stderr): raise FeatureNotAvailable
[docs] def _get_joblist_command(self, jobs=None, user=None): raise FeatureNotAvailable
[docs]def parse_sge_script(local_script_path): """ Parse the SGE script :returns: A dictionary of the options for constructing AiiDAJobFirework """ with open(local_script_path) as handle: lines = handle.readlines() options = { 'stdout_fname': '_scheduler-stdout.txt', 'stderr_fname': '_scheduler-stderr.txt', 'priority': 100, # Base priority of AiiDA jobs in the FW system, hard coded to 100 for now } for line in lines: if '#$ -N' in line: options['job_name'] = line.split()[-1] # Name of the job if '#$ -o' in line: options['stdout_fname'] = line.replace("#$ -o", "").strip() if '#$ -e' in line: options['stderr_fname'] = line.replace("#$ -e", "").strip() if '#$ -pe' in line: options['mpinp'] = int(line.split()[-1]) if 'h_rt' in line: timestring = line.split('=')[1].strip() hours, minutes, seconds = timestring.split(':') seconds = int(seconds) + int(minutes) * 60 + int(hours) * 3600 options['walltime'] = int(seconds) if '#$ -p ' in line: options['priority'] += int(line.split()[-1]) required_fields = ['job_name', 'mpinp', 'walltime'] missing = [field for field in required_fields if field not in options] if missing: raise SchedulerParsingError( f"Missing fields: {missing} while parsing the job script") return options
[docs]class FwSchedulerKeepEnv(FwScheduler): """ A FW-base scheduler that runs the `` in the same environment as the submission script. This mode of operation is needed by SLURM which uses `srun` directives to launch job steps. """ FRESH_ENV = False